Anatis Wholistic Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle light-touch manual technique used to detect and correct imbalances in the Craniosacral system which extends from the skull (or cranium) to the sacrum.  The Craniosacral rhythm (cerebral spinal fluid) is used to evaluate, detect, and support the body to correct imbalances.

The craniosacral system is the structural aspect of the central nervous system, which involves all systems of the body. Craniosacral therapy focuses on enhancing the system and alleviating restrictions within there membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds and protects the brain and spinal cord.  Releasing restriction in these areas influences proper functioning of the body.

Craniosacral therapy  may be a benefit for conditions such as: migraine and tension headaches, chronic neck and back pain, stress and tension-related disorders, TMJ imbalances, infant and childhood disorders, childhood learning disabilities, trauma related disorders and many other conditions


Phone: 780-233-1116

17044-114 Street
Edmonton, AB
T5X 5X7